MongoDB SCRAM-SHA-1 over SASL - 26th May 2018
A fully worked authentication conversation with MongoDB for SCRAM-SHA-1 over SASL
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A fully worked authentication conversation with MongoDB for SCRAM-SHA-1 over SASL
In surprising news, the Fantom programming language out performed Java by a factor of more than 2 to 1, and left Kotlin standing!
A look at some differences between Fantom and Java, showing why Fantom is a real viable alternative.
A slideshow showing syntactical similarities and disparities between Fantom and C#.
A slideshow showing syntactical similarities and disparities between Fantom and Java.
How to add a javascript datepicker to Date fields in a FormBean
A look at Fantom's FWT, Eclipse's SWT and how to install it on 64-bit platforms.
A brief explanation of the Fancordion testing library and why I'm loving it!
A simple Fantom client that retrieves Chuck Norris jokes from the Internet Chuck Norris Database.
7 Articles - A guide for beginners wanting to learn the fundamentals of the Fantom Programming Language.